Take the 5-day Inspired Living Challenge and have a personalized game plan on the purpose and direction for your life

Attention: It is possible to have crystal-clear clarity for living your ideal life…not just now, but even 20 years from now! In this hands-on challenge you'll go from the confusion and chaos of living a "ground-hog's day" life to living your best life! Be one of the first to experience this BRAND NEW, step-by-step challenge that connects the dots of your life so you can discover the richly fulfilling and deeply meaningful life you've always hoped for. You'll have the guidance and resources you need to finally define your life goals and a way to map them out. Giveaways and prizes awarded!

CHALLENGE DATE: June 21 - 25, 2021
COST: $20.21

Here’s what people are saying about your challenge leader, Janae Bower:

You're in great hands with Janae. She's so passionate, knowledgeable and inspired. With a Master's Degree in Human Resource Development, her expertise is in developing and delivering interactive training experiences. 

Julie Wylie


Establishing a formal commitment promises gifts of accountability, abundance, and personal transformation.

Thanks to guidance from Janae, I created my mission, vision, and values statements. They are a great source of focus, strength, and clarity and a wonderful framework from which to create goals. She’s an incredible sounding board for decisions in my life. She supports, suggests, questions, and provides insights. I love how Janae is launching the Inspired Living Challenge to guide more people in enriching their lives. 

Phil Johncock


It won't take much time. But, it will change your life!

Janae Bower models inspired living. I highly recommend that you use Janae's guidance and take this challenge to create your own personalized game plan. 

 ~Phil Johncock, Award-Winning Author, Educator & Consultant (PhilJohncock.com)

Lisa Nelson


This clear plan motivated me to take the next steps to explore what my ultimate life goals were and how to align them all and make them a reality.

You don’t want to miss out on this great opportunity to be in Janae’s 5 day Inspired Living Challenge.  I took her challenge when I was contemplating a career change.  It laid out clear steps I could take to develop a plan and the many options that would all lead me to my end goal. This journey led me on my path to my new amazing career.  Not only did Janae’s challenge help me map out my career goals but it helped me to map out my personal and family goals so that I could get my whole life, both professional and personal, on a life  path to live a truly inspired me. 

what you get

Here’s what you’ll learn in the Inspired Living Challenge!

I've taken everything that I've learned over 25 years to create a life plan that helps you envision your ideal life. All it will take is for you to invest an hour a day of your time for 5 days. Each day in my LIVE zoom teachings with you, you'll complete the done-with-you worksheets so that by the end of challenge you'll have your completed and completely customized game plan. As a result, you'll map out your life vision now and 20 years from now! Don't worry if you can't make all the live sessions (or prefer to do it on your own), each one will be recorded. Then you can do the work at your own pace and time that works best for you. 

Day #1

You'll identify your life's mission, vision and values. This is the foundation for living an aligned life.

Live session: Monday, June 21

Time: 12 pm CT


Day #4

You'll zoom out on your life to determine what you need to do for a long-term perspective. This gives you the foresight necessary to uplift you.

Live session: Thursday, June 24

Time: 12 pm CT

Day #2

You'll vividly describe your ideal inspired life, your "utopia." This allows you to envision the impact you want to make for all areas of your life.

Live session: Tuesday, June 22

Time: 12 pm CT

Day #5

You'll zero in on your life and plans to identify what's needed from a short-term outlook. This gives you the hindsight necessary to stay grounded.

Live session: Friday, June 25

Time: 12 pm CT

Day #3

You'll create your inspired life game plan for at work, in the home and above & beyond. This includes the key milestone markers along the way. 

Live session: Wednesday, June 23

Time: 12 pm CT

About the Leader- Janae Bower

I'm thrilled to be able to share with you the journey I've taken to get my life to work only to find out it's really my life's work. I've invested 25 years of my heart and soul; time and money into creating this personalized life planning process. I just ask you to invest in yourself just a fraction of that with all the same great benefits that I've experienced. I'll combine that with the 25 years I've been in the training and development industry to give you the best learning experience. I hope you won't waste one more day living out of alignment with your life's perfect vision. It won't take you a lot of time, but it will help you make the most of it!

Join the Inspired Living Challenge!

CHALLENGE DATE: June 21-25, 2021
COST: $20.21

Finding It

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